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T Encode

T Encode is an application that allows you to record your services on a FileMaker server in real time, via the web and from all your devices. If you already work with FileMaker you can easily imagine the possibilities that Time Encode allows.

hand-right Your services or those of your employees can be consulted and used in real time and of course your bills, letters aso... can be written immediately.

What a real time saver! Tencode_Smartphone

hand-right This is the Stand alone version, which means that the application needs nothing but an FM file in which to save the data. Then (we are here for that ;-) if the FileMaker Solution is intelligently programmed to integrate this data into its different tables, everything can run automatically ...

The essential companion of our solution "Artisan".
T_Encode (stand alone and multilingual version)
hand-right It is of course optimized for a very wide range of devices equipped for the Web.